Ever tried to start something new and make it a habit? It's hard!
When I decided that I wanted to read my Bible every day, pray intentionally, and do basics like daily stretching, I was feeling SO willing and SO ready! I knew how beneficial those simple changes would be to my life, and though I didn't expect it to be easy, I knew I was capable. Plus it was a noble pursuit and I knew God would help me. My self discipline wasn't great but I wanted to grow it and be that woman I knew I could be.
But it was way, waaaaaay harder than I thought.
The first couple days went well, and I felt excited and good about it. I sensed change coming. But then, I got off track. Just one day of staying up too late then sleeping in a little too long to get ahead... and suddenly I felt my old habits overtake me, like a giant wave.
I was humbled. I was going to need help. More prayer... more will power... something!
What I really needed was like-minded community. Sisters in Christ that wanted this morning routine change too. Women who were honest, kind, gentle but also driven, passionate, on fire for God. I needed them to come alongside me and encourage me. Not just for one day, but every day. But I didn't know how to find them. So for months I struggled alone, reading books and listening to motivational audio recordings to fill the void.
Eventually, after much trial and error, I gained the insights, tools, and self discipline to make my morning routine a reality for me.
That's why I created the Morning Miracles Challenge. I realized that my trial-by-fire could benefit other women and help them get ahead more quickly.
Think of your morning like this:
Every day, your mind is like crowded beach, full of voices vying for your attention and things to trip over. There are people, responsibilities, and many colorful distractions luring you, and there is also a cozy cabana that invites you to just tune out, lay down and waste away the morning hours, wearing earplugs and dozing in the sun.
But in the distance, you see something different. Something wonderful. The sunrise kisses a small, quiet island with nothing but a Bible, glass of water, a tree for shade, and a simple, comfortable chair. Just the sight of it thrills your spirit. You sense the presence of the Lord is there. A time of refreshment, meditation, and personal growth just between you and God await... if only you can get there.
You look around again at this noisy beach you're on, and you know for sure where you want to be. Not here, but over there with your Jesus.
You're about to link arms with a group of women who will help you paddle out every day for 10 days, help you beat the waves and the tides, and overcome the voices from the shore that call out to keep you from changing.
It's the Morning Miracles Challenge, a 10 day morning routine challenge that gets you to that place, just you and the Lord, for healing, for comfort, or just to feel His presence in your life again.
Each day you're asked to check in with your team on our private Facebook group. We want to know how you're doing and help you stay focused. After those 10 days are through, you'll know the ropes and where you can improve. You'll be stronger to face the rest of the month on your own. But if you fail, or if you want a boost again, we will be here the following month, for 10 days, to help you reach your goal.
What I have found is that women keep coming back, again and again. Just for the community and encouragement. Each month of our lives is a new adventure, and the Morning Miracles Challenge returns with a new theme and new ideas to help you succeed.
Some months you'll be stronger than others and you'll be one of the women who can help a teammate who is struggling. Other months you'll benefit from another woman's strengths. But one thing is for sure - we will be glad to have you.
Click this link to join: https://bit.ly/Morning-Miracles-Challenge
I hope to see you inside.
With love in Christ,
P.S. If you'd like to join us for November 2020, you should know that signup is happening right now. Our first day of the 10 day challenge is Monday, November 2nd but we like to get our groups together in advance. You can join us in the group at any time, but if you'd like to be added to an official Morning Miracles Challenge accountability team for November, please sign up right now!