This is my a free test day, and I'm deciding whether to make this my spot, or if I want to engage in more open environments like cafes like I normally do. It's not my first time in a co-working space, and I'm sure it won't be the last.
This particular co-working space has a giant picture of Steve Jobs on the wall. So here is my selfie with the giant.
It's funny to me the way he's idolized by entrepreneurs worldwide, but I get it.
Steve Jobs achieved massive success and overcame some huge obstacles. I enjoy and count on many of the products he developed (I'm writing this from a MacBook Pro). However, for all his good traits, some say he was extraordinarily difficult to work for, and he was by no means a perfect example of how to do life. No human being is perfect, and because of that I believe no one should be worshiped.
Before Christ overhauled his area of my mind, I definitely worshiped people like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and others like them. I made a point of memorizing their words, as if they were scripture. But I experienced a healing that shows me that they are not better than me!
No, they not worthy of worship, we are actually equal in the sight of God. While our gifts, talents, and abilities are good, they not the true essence of who we are.
Even if all your abilities and skills disappeared overnight through some terrible accident or mishap, you would still be completely and totally valuable to and loved by your creator.
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39
That knowledge was truly freeing for me, and I hope it is for you too.
I recently wrote an article for BeLoved Ministries that dives a little deeper into this subject, offering some solid Bible verses that I think will surprise you... and make you look at yourself with more grace and acceptance.
The article is designed to free you from the bondage of slavery to worshipping human-sourced wisdom, and enter into the freedom of true and pure wisdom that transcends, because it comes from God. Yes, it is possible to build your business and become very successful, relying on the 1 source of real wisdom, God himself. And I believe if you follow Christ, he will guide your steps every day to help you build something that matters, without compromising on your treatment of others, your health, or your values of family and connection.
That article is here: Just a Hint of Wrong: what maxims and mantras are you allowing into your life? It's a short 2 minute read.
I can't wait to share more about my time in Guatemala. This is just the tippy-tip of the iceberg.
Never stop learning, growing, and reaching,

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