I recently polled our group of go-getter Christian women asking what book (other than the Bible) most inspired them and why. I was amazed and intrigued by so many of these, so I thought I'd share this list with you! I think you'll find a few titles here that you'll love. When you purchase through one of my links, you support my writing, so if you choose to buy, thank you so much!
I personally think that a beautifully wrapped book makes for an excellent hostess gift. Do you expect to be invited to some gatherings over the upcoming holidays? Why not shop the wisdom of women! Thank you for looking.
Awesome fiction book that I could not put down! About demons and angels battling throughout a small town of people. Such a great read!
The insight God gave me through this book has forever changed and guided my life on HIS path, when all I knew was MY will.
- Recommended by Cara Mia
Purpose Driven Life. It's hard to say in a short amount of words. Loving and powerful book that connects me with my Savior and His people.
- Recommended by Melanie
Hinds Feet on High Places
This an allegory written back in the 1950's - in the book the author likens the young woman to a deer called "much afraid" and her family having names such as sorrow and suffering - The Good Shepherd is of course the Lord and the story depicts the love of God for His children. So "much afraid" and her family are on a spiritual journey and they face many challenges and places of danger yet they overcome each hurdle as they learn to trust and believe the good shepherd It's so much like us in following Gods plan until we hit road blocks along the way and we become like much afraid - insecure and unsure of things. It ends beautifully. Get the book 😀

- Recommended by Theresa
Make it Happen
This book is written for any Christian woman who is trying to make some major changes in her life but is constantly second-guessing herself or feels like she's falling short of her goals. You will thank yourself for reading this!
- Recommended by Laura and Danielle
Wild and Free
Currently going through Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan and loving it!
- Recommended by Danielle
Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster was a huge game changer for me.
-Recommended by Brittany
Celebration of Discipline
Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster was a huge game changer for me.
-Recommended by Brittany
-Recommended by Brittany
By Jim and Pam Farrell. He is a pastor. They also wrote a book, Men are like Waffles -- Women are like Spaghetti. Both books were a delight to read. We would get a cup of coffee and go by the river or a park and share reading and thoughts and lots of laughter. One suggestion was re-create our honeymoon, well that was Puerto Rico, P.R. didn't happen, but it was still a fun night. The other book explains when we ask our man what is on his mind, and he says "nothing" he really means nothing, he is in his nothing box, waffles, us on the other hand are spaghetti, because we are all over the place and most of the time we can keep track of it all. If your husband or other half doesn't want to read it with you, I'm not sure if it will be as fun... We loved it, so much so that my husband suggests it to people.
-Recommended by Anna
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story
Donald Miller's "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years." It's one that inspired me to be brave, and live the story God was writing for me.
-Recommended by Julie
Francine Rivers Mark of the Lion trilogy. It's Christian fiction but based in A LOT of history and it was a book that changed my prayer life!
-Recommended by Julia
So ladies, I want to hear from you! Are there any books that have truly changed you? Tell me which one and why in the comments below. Your book may be added to our gift list! Also, if you're not a member of the We are Ambitious Christian Women group yet, why not? Now is the time to join. It's free and jam-packed with inspiration like this. See you inside!
Never stop learning, growing and reaching!
~ Laura

So ladies, I want to hear from you! Are there any books that have truly changed you? Tell me which one and why in the comments below. Your book may be added to our gift list! Also, if you're not a member of the We are Ambitious Christian Women group yet, why not? Now is the time to join. It's free and jam-packed with inspiration like this. See you inside!
Never stop learning, growing and reaching!
~ Laura

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