As someone who owns her own online business, I can work from anywhere, and I love exploring pockets of America that are oogle-worthy! Right now I'm spending some time in Oil City, P.A. - one of the last places you'd think to vacation, but always at the top of my list. Not just because of the vibe and scenery, but there's a precious lady here named Grandma who I love to visit.
Where to Stay in Oil City, PA
I think you'll love the AirBnb route. When we went, we stayed at the quirky and fascinating
Deep River Guest House, an AirB&B run by artist Margaret Brostrom. She will introduce you to the creative side of Oil City! The
Artist Relocation Program is helping artists like herself relocate and purchase some of these beautiful Victorian homes around every corner - boosting the economy and ensuring Oil City stays grand despite its aging population. She knows about all the festivals, art shows, and cool places to visit.
Get $25 off your stay with Margaret (or any AirBnB) through
this link! Let her know you're interested in relocating to Oil City through the Artist Relocation Program and she'll give you an extra 10% off too.
What to Do in Oil City, PA
Between art openings, explore the
Latonia Theatre and then go for a walk, enjoying mansion after mansion - all historic grand dames of the oil boom.
Buy one for cheap and stay awhile!
Where to Work

When I last visited I saw that my favorite local cafe, Spilling the Beans, was closing up. But I loved its location near the library and take a look around the memorial byway. In Spilling the Beans, I found an oasis for s Chai Latte made right, or a Vanilla Latte, great biscotti too! I miss this little shop with neat little do-dads, like crocheted espresso shotglass warmers. If anyone local to Oil City can suggest a new spot, please let me know in the comments. If I don't hear back by July I'll just have to go investigate for myself!
Where to Eat in Oil City
I eat at my Grandma's, but beyond Spilling the Beans I've also loved Mosaic Cafe which recently closed. One time we took a drive up to Coal Oil Johnny's and I'm going to recreate that this summer too. I'm looking for new places, so if you know of anything special please leave me a comment!
I hope you'll take some time out to explore Oil City. It's a great stop on your way to Buffalo, NY or Boston. If you decide to go, please send me a note and say hi to Margaret for me!