If Your Loved One is In The Hospital, Order Your Flowers Direct

One of my loved ones is having surgery at Florida Baptist Hospital in Plant City, FL today. Every time, I always use a local florist called Creative Flowers by Glenn. They always do such a great job. I call them up on their local number (813) 754-7449 instead of their 1-800 number. And there is a specific reason I do that!

I know from working as a florist in a floral shop that if you order through 1-800 Flowers or from the florist's website, often a big company takes a fee from the small shop.

And there are many benefits for me, too:

  1. I can choose a floral shop that's closest by looking at the map, which means they can probably get the flowers there faster without a bunch of fees
  2. By calling them directly, I get to hear Glenn's cute raspy voice and make a specific request like a type of flower rather than going with one of the cookie-cutter designs
  3. It matters to me that I support the small businesses rather than the major chains
  4. I connect directly with a human about a purchase that matters to me
  5. I can request a certain price point, and ask that they do their best to work within that. And because the florist keeps a bigger % of the sale they can pass a little savings on to me as well 
So I hope you'll keep this in mind next time you're looking to buy flowers. Support the local floral shops! Long live your flowers! 

The Alfombra Guides Me On

The path we are on is hard, but it's important and it's blessed. The beautiful flower carpets "alfombras" leading to the children's home this morning came as a sign to me to remember that I'm on the right track. I want to thank you if you were one of those people who spoke up when I was sharing deeply and honestly about my challenges. Some beautiful truths were shared that came together just like the patterns on these carpets.

Truth is perfect, our walk through life is not - when we walk along the perfect plan laid out for us we undoubtedly will stumble sometimes, but the point is to keep your eyes forward, fixing yourself to the one who is perfect. Don't get lost focusing on how your steps could have been more perfect or more even. I remind you to lift each other up as you have lifted me up.

Not everyone is as naive as me to share the hard stuff in such a public way. Many hold it all in and never get the chance to see how much they're cared for.

So keep reaching out your hands and hearts to people. Remind them that they matter and remind them of the truth of their worth, lay out the carpet.

I promise I won't sugar coat my life just because social media makes it easy to fake perfection. My life is not perfect and neither am I, but God is still using me. And that makes everything worth it!

I got to take my girl Alejandra out for a "walk" ...roll? today after the procession ended. She's the one who deserves a carpet of flowers... Love you people, so so much. It's not easy to be away from you, and that's a good thing. I promise to keep learning - it's a beautiful path I'm blessed to walk along.

My Grown-Up Christmas List

Coming up with a Christmas list this year is really hard. I have everything I need. But the weird thing is I happen own less than I've ever owned.

We came here to Guatemalawith 2 suitcases total... I bought one scarf to replace one I gave away, food and flowers, and that's it... literally. I think the word is called "grace" - we are practically drowning in grace.

So this year I made a "Grown Up Christmas List" it's under construction but worth sharing anyway: www.ambitiouschristianwomen.org/marketplace

What would make me really super duper excited and grateful is if you supported one or more of these small business owners on that list, these are people that I personally know and love, and they are part of an online community I'm building.

And yeah, we are on there too, with the 501c3 Hope for Home and your donation goes 100% to their organization, not our living expenses. You can even pick a disabled child to support monthly or give a one time gift. Write on the note it's our Christmas present so I can do some happy dances. <3

Thanks everyone. This is my grown up Christmas list. <3

My Christian Perspective With Trump Named President

I woke up in the middle of the night to see who won. Some say God won and are being very vocal about it on social media so as a Jesus follower I want to speak plainly about the outcome of the election for a moment. When I was out last night with the piñatas, I met a Indian woman and asked if she was a Trump supporter.

She simply pointed at her skin and said "what do you think?" I think that says a lot about a nation divided. 😔

Jesus would NEVER make anyone feel that way. We have a LOT of work to do.

A man who lives, acts, and talks like Trump is not what Christians stand for. We stand for Jesus whose life and speech was much the opposite.

 Christian friends, if you feel that God has won, mark my words: no one comes to God through law, they come to Christ by grace.

You must not rely on law to save the unborn, you must be a true friend to the hurting woman in her darkest hour. You must meet her at the well, or in the middle of people hurling rocks, and show her incredible levels of understanding, that's what Jesus teaches!

If you're not like that, if you don't actively support abused women or women on the streets on a personal level, you really haven't earned anyone's ear, heart, or mind on issues of abortion or anything else.

I think we will see what really happens. But don't be surprised if the outcome brings a ton of persecution to Christians, especially those who are now being vocal thinking that God somehow won through a political candidate.

For another perspective on this, I'd love you to take a look at my friend's blog Sincerely, Erin and her post entitled "Today is a Hard Day"

Just a Hint of Wrong - what maxims and mantras are you allowing into your life?

Today I'm writing you from Impact Hub in Guatemala. It's a special place for business owners to connect to ultra fast wifi in a unique co-working space. As a frequent traveler, I appreciate the ability to make new connections and strike up new business in a co-working environment.

This is my a free test day, and I'm deciding whether to make this my spot, or if I want to engage in more open environments like cafes like I normally do. It's not my first time in a co-working space, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

This particular co-working space has a giant picture of Steve Jobs on the wall. So here is my selfie with the giant.

It's funny to me the way he's idolized by entrepreneurs worldwide, but I get it.

Steve Jobs achieved massive success and overcame some huge obstacles. I enjoy and count on many of the products he developed (I'm writing this from a MacBook Pro). However, for all his good traits, some say he was extraordinarily difficult to work for, and he was by no means a perfect example of how to do life. No human being is perfect, and because of that I believe no one should be worshiped.

Before Christ overhauled his area of my mind, I definitely worshiped people like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and others like them. I made a point of memorizing their words, as if they were scripture. But I experienced a healing that shows me that they are not better than me!

No, they not worthy of worship, we are actually equal in the sight of God. While our gifts, talents, and abilities are good, they not the true essence of who we are.

Even if all your abilities and skills disappeared overnight through some terrible accident or mishap, you would still be completely and totally valuable to and loved by your creator.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

That knowledge was truly freeing for me, and I hope it is for you too.

I recently wrote an article for BeLoved Ministries that dives a little deeper into this subject, offering some solid Bible verses that I think will surprise you... and make you look at yourself with more grace and acceptance.

The article is designed to free you from the bondage of slavery to worshipping human-sourced wisdom, and enter into the freedom of true and pure wisdom that transcends, because it comes from God. Yes, it is possible to build your business and become very successful, relying on the 1 source of real wisdom, God himself. And I believe if you follow Christ, he will guide your steps every day to help you build something that matters, without compromising on your treatment of others, your health, or your values of family and connection.

That article is here: Just a Hint of Wrong: what maxims and mantras are you allowing into your life? It's a short 2 minute read.

I can't wait to share more about my time in Guatemala. This is just the tippy-tip of the iceberg.

Never stop learning, growing, and reaching,

A Little Swank and a Whole Lot of Sweetness: Louisville, Kentucky

An unexpected stop on our cross-country trip, but probably the most exciting was Louisville, Kentucky. Do not pass up your chance to soak in the charms of this city. We loved it so much, we extended our stay an additional night! Here is my guide to taking in the sights, sounds, and flavors of a city that will surprise you!

Here's What You'll Find On The Bookshelf of an Ambitious Christian Woman

It's wonderful to build your own little library of books that have truly impacted you. Whether you collect books or give them as gifts, you will love these selections from members of the We Are Ambitious Christian Women group!

I recently polled our group of go-getter Christian women asking what book (other than the Bible) most inspired them and why. I was amazed and intrigued by so many of these, so I thought I'd share this list with you! I think you'll find a few titles here that you'll love. When you purchase through one of my links, you support my writing, so if you choose to buy, thank you so much!

I personally think that a beautifully wrapped book makes for an excellent hostess gift. Do you expect to be invited to some gatherings over the upcoming holidays? Why not shop the wisdom of women! Thank you for looking.

My Healthy Juice Cleanse: Picture Journey and The Best Juicers

Rob and I watched the documentary "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" on Netflix and promptly ran to the grocery store to get everything we need to dramatically change our diet! I have been fascinated with the brain-body connection and knew even though I'm already a pretty healthy person, this would bring us to a whole new world!

Armor of God: Women's Bible Study - online group forming now!

Hello Love! If this is our first time meeting, good to meet you - my name is Laura Gabriele and I am a writer and traveler who loves the Lord!

So you're probably here because of this:

Yeah? Yeeeeah? hehe ok Then let's get right to it!

How to Join The Armor of God Women's Online Bible Study Group

SIGN UP / DISCUSSIONS: Announcements, Discussion, Links to meetings, and Meeting Replays will be posted in this Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ambitiouschristianwomen so if you haven't joined yet, please do! <3

TIME: We will "Go Live" in the group at different times, you will be notified before so you can join in!

BOOK: We are reading "The Armor of God” by Priscilla Shirer. If you haven't bought the book yet, here is a link: http://amzn.to/2c9Jvf3 Your purchase through this particular link helps support my writing, so thank you if you choose to purchase it that way! <3

Thank you for your interest in participating in this online study group. If you have any questions please reach out to me, Laura Gabriele-Enriquez, on Facebook Messenger.

A little about me, just in case you'd like to know...

My husband Rob and I are working on a few projects that have taken us across the country and very soon we are going out of the country (Guatemala) for mission work! When we started this journey a couple months ago, the hardest part for me wasn't building my biz to support it, it was saying "goodbye" to my phenomenal women's group back in upstate NY.

Nothing can replace the richness of the relationships formed between women who truly support each other. And as much as I hate to admit it, sometimes even the internet with all its Facebook and Instagram can be a very lonely place!

Knowing I would be making this lifestyle change that would disconnect me from my support network, I decided to form the exact group I'd need to keep me and other women like me on track while traveling and pursuing big dreams and goals: the We Are Ambitious Christian Women group.

And now this Bible study is a big step up from that, too. It's definitely not the same as meeting in person, but I thought I'd put it out there to the wide internet that I'll be studying this book alongside them and plan to share online.

And just for kicks, here's a little video I made for my women's group and encourage them to start the study strong. I hope it encourages you and makes you laugh. Enjoy! :)

Never stop learning, growing and reaching!

Do you believe in you?

I am stationed in a small mining town in New Mexico called Silver City and I am here this morning to tell you to believe.

Believe in what?

Well, I have been getting very motivated by the industriousness of the mining community as well as the uniqueness of the artist community that is living here. I'm fascinating by God's broad diversity.

I was wondering though, what about you? Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in the spark God gave you enough to activate it into a flame and make a big impact beyond yourself and loved ones? Do you believe the Holy Spirit is really living in you to give you more than just occasional "feelings" but definite, direct communication of God's desires for your life?

Maybe you're afraid to believe in yourself again, because before you had Christ you found that path to be very destructive. But now in Christ, you have everything you need to succeed and do God's work He's calling you to in earth.

If you are struggling to believe in you, I have a word for you this morning that may speak to you. Please click into the picture above to see the full message.

Wake. Pray. Slay.


I just got back from a trip to St. Louis, Missouri visiting what they're now calling the "chess capital of the America" My husband Rob and I visited the Chess Hall of Fame there where the picture above was taken. I was reminded that in chess, the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board. You know, with the spirit of God living in us, we have all the power we need succeed. We are powerful! We can move like pawns on the board if we want, but we were made for great things!

In just two short months, the Ambitious Christian Women group has grown to over 300 members! I am so excited about this. Amazing women of faith are building each other up every day while asking those tough questions, exploring what it means to be a driven, goal-oriented believer.

And finally, I'm feeling a "pull" to remain consistent rather than having to "push" myself to keep up with it every day. Some things are just MEANT TO BE.

Today I was featured on the Podcast "Fit Inside Out" and I hope you'll give it a listen. In the 30 min interview, Tabitha Sierra I was so grateful to be able to share my advice to any woman who finds herself in that difficult balance of pursuing BIG goals and pursuing Jesus at the same time. 

In the recording I'll tell you:
- Why I created the We are Ambitious Christian Women Group, the spirit of the group, and my biggest challenge in maintaining it
- About my digital branding company The Go Big Collective and why I'm so super specific about who I work with
- How God changed my life and what on earth is driving us to Guatemala
- What motivates me and allows me to live totally fearlessly
- My favorite tool for getting clear guidance - FAST
The exciting new devotional for women by women by BeLoved Ministries Will you help me spread the word? Please share the Fit Inside Out podcast with any lady that you know who you think could use encouragement. These were some tough soul-searching questions that I know many of us ask ourselves!

What is holding you back from giving your call your all? Join the Ambitious Christian Women group and let's see if we can demolish a few strongholds today in God's name!

Never stop learning, growing, and reaching <3

St. Louis, Missouri: The Chess Capital of America

When we were passing through St. Louis, now known as the “Chess Capital of America” this Summer - I knew we were going to have to make a stop.

We stayed at a very fun 3-story historic building with a cute cat (below) and lots of charm.

Every detail seemed to be from the pages of a magazine (below), the host kept to himself but this place was perfect for us.  Book through this link for $35 off your stay!

The Green Room - Benton Park

Saint Louis, MO, United States
Spacious second-story room with king bed, private bathroom and balcony in over hundred year old home. Full access to kitchen, dining, and living areas on main floor. Room also has coffee bar with m...

We took a nice walk through the park to a local cafe where we shared a delicious breakfast and conversation. I didn't love the cafe enough to recommend it, but I really enjoyed the architecture of the buildings we saw along the way. And you know I just love a good brick wall!

The chess district was great. Lots to learn and some cool photo ops in the museum, and of course we played a game or two. They didn’t have a shirt in his size, but I picked up a postcard from the museum to send to my in-laws. I loved the big queen chess piece painting on the wall and edited it to include one of my personal mantras: "Wake. Pray. Slay."

My husband is a huge fan of chess. He reads books on chess theory, participates in formal chess competitions, and watches videos of people playing chess. At one point in our relationship, he spent so much time with his chess that I grew jealous and started calling it “Chessica.” But he’s gotten much better and keeps his chess under control now! ;)

We had to get on the road after chess, but I loved the vibe of St. Louis, I hope to return someday!

BeLoved Ministries - a new daily devotional to keep you rooted in love!

I've just started writing for BeLoved Ministries - an inspiring women's devotional lead by Aimee Kidd, and I'm so excited because today they published my first-ever devotional!

If you've never tried a daily devotional, why not start here? A devotional is a reading that assists in connecting with God. In this case, women are sharing from their personal lives how God has made Himself known. Often by hearing from each other, we find scripture more relatable, and it can help us see things in a new way or get inspired.

It would be a blessing if you'd give it a read, this is my first time writing a devotional and I would love your support with a comment or a click: http://belovedbeblessed.com/god-bless-this-child 
God bless the child
My writing will come out twice a month on this blog, and I look forward to sharing how God is changing me in my upcoming travels. Also, some really inspiring women will be sharing the ways that God is working in their lives. If you sign up, you'll receive an email each day, Monday - Friday. I would love to keep you in the loop!

If you want to subscribe from your phone, click here and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. There is a place to put your email and name, then click "Sign Up" ! If you're on a desktop computer, it's right there on the right!

Thank you for being so amazing.

Never stop learning, growing, and reaching!

Health Insurance in Guatemala: Expat / Digital Nomad's guide

My husband I are going to try the digital nomad thing soon, and there is so much to plan! I decided I'd better start sharing so that I can help some other people connect the dots, I know I'm not the only one planning to spend some time in Guatemala working online, exploring, and volunteering.

One of the biggest challenges has been determining what to do about health insurance. A lot of the information I found online was outdated, pre Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), or just plain wrong.

Here is what I've found so far. I'll continue to add to this post if I find some new information and I'll make corrections as I go also!

Here's what you should know:

  1. If you're outside the US for 330 calendar days or have residency elsewhere you don't need to follow the Affordable Care Act, you're considered exempt and you have to fill out Form 8965 which is pretty easy. That form was from 2015 for reference, so make sure you have the 2016 one.
  2. If you're not exempt, the penalty for not having US health insurance in the States is $95 per adult per year
  3. You are allowed a short gap in coverage every year—penalty free (less than 3 months each year)
  4. Returning to the U.S. from another country is considered a “qualifying event,” which allows you a 60 day grace period
  5. Getting local Guatemala health insurance is not highly valued among the Guatemala expats, one man said his health insurance is "United Air" (ie fly back to the states for any major medical thing) but a couple were mentioned as options that I'll list here:
  6. You must have a US address to get Obamacare, so it's a catch-22. 
  7. I have a US address where all my mail is scanned to me and checks are deposited for one monthly fee. If you purchase through my link, you help support my writing and may receive a discount. Check it out: https://travelingmailbox.com/?ref=106
Most of my info is coming from this article http://blogs.wsj.com/expat/2015/08/16/5-things-expats-need-to-know-about-obamacare/ as well as conversations in a private group on Facebook

Let me know if you want to know more, if this helped you, and if you have any questions!

Awesome Dad Gifts for His 60th Birthday

Do you have an EPIC Dad? I know I do. Today is his 60th birthday, and to celebrate I wanted to share with you some awesome 60th birthday Dad gift ideas!

High  Adventure:

Try Ziplining, Skydiving, or Bungee Jumping! It's worth the $ you'll shell out because it's totally unforgettable. Here's a video of my Dad and I last week doing the Skyrider, North America's largest, fastest, and longest Zipline. It was the perfect Father - Daughter adventure!

Real Estate that's Out of this World:

Looking for something frame-worthy that will leave a big impact? This company sells real estate on Mars! Yes, you can actually name a crater after your Dad!

Surprise Party:

For my Father-in-Law's big 6-0, my Mother-in-law organized a big bash in Las Vegas, and family traveled from miles around to sip champagne from one of the nicest hotel suites with a view of the Las Vegas strip. Try contacting a hotel with a view and see what they offer!


There are so many things you can do for a great Dad, but the most important thing is to be in the moment and make sure you make him feel like the superhero he is!

Oil City, PA

As someone who owns her own online business, I can work from anywhere, and I love exploring pockets of America that are oogle-worthy! Right now I'm spending some time in Oil City, P.A. - one of the last places you'd think to vacation, but always at the top of my list. Not just because of the vibe and scenery, but there's a precious lady here named Grandma who I love to visit.

Where to Stay in Oil City, PA

I think you'll love the AirBnb route. When we went, we stayed at the quirky and fascinating Deep River Guest House, an AirB&B run by artist Margaret Brostrom. She will introduce you to the creative side of Oil City! The Artist Relocation Program is helping artists like herself relocate and purchase some of these beautiful Victorian homes around every corner - boosting the economy and ensuring Oil City stays grand despite its aging population. She knows about all the festivals, art shows, and cool places to visit.

Get $25 off your stay with Margaret (or any AirBnB) through this link! Let her know you're interested in relocating to Oil City through the Artist Relocation Program and she'll give you an extra 10% off too.

What to Do in Oil City, PA

Between art openings, explore the Latonia Theatre and then go for a walk, enjoying mansion after mansion - all historic grand dames of the oil boom. Buy one for cheap and stay awhile!

Where to Work

When I last visited I saw that my favorite local cafe, Spilling the Beans, was closing up. But I loved its location near the library and take a look around the memorial byway.  In Spilling the Beans, I found an oasis for s Chai Latte made right, or a Vanilla Latte, great biscotti too! I miss this little shop with neat little do-dads, like crocheted espresso shotglass warmers. If anyone local to Oil City can suggest a new spot, please let me know in the comments. If I don't hear back by July I'll just have to go investigate for myself!

Where to Eat in Oil City

I eat at my Grandma's, but beyond Spilling the Beans I've also loved Mosaic Cafe which recently closed. One time we took a drive up to Coal Oil Johnny's and I'm going to recreate that this summer too. I'm looking for new places, so if you know of anything special please leave me a comment!


I hope you'll take some time out to explore Oil City. It's a great stop on your way to Buffalo, NY or Boston. If you decide to go,  please send me a note and say hi to Margaret for me!

Will You Take the Next Wave?

When something bad happens to us, there's a tendency to want to shrink back and tend to our wounds. We can get angry or down on ourselves and stay small.

On the flip side, if we have a big ego, we can try to play things off and get stuck in a victim mindset. And then we puff ourselves up, trying to cover up our hurt and not allowing ourselves to learn, grow, and change from negative events.

But there is a better way, and I think it's contained here:

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."
Philippians 2:3-4
Some people don't care a philipp about other people. (see what I did there? hehe) I think if you're reading this, you probably sincerely seek to serve and love people better and better every day. So as we're building that business, going for that goal, or getting that degree, our primary goal should be how to be of greater service to others.

I recently learned about a surfer named Bethany Hamilton who lost a limb to a shark attack.  Maybe you heard about her as a sad story on the news. But there's a greater story that got made into several books and a movie you can Netflix called Soul Surfer. Not only did her faith withstand the horrific tragedy, she continues to surf today. See Bethany's Statement of Faith. She didn't focus on herself. She built a non-profit, Friends of Bethany to reach out. I particularly love this yearly retreat they put on for girls who deal with limb loss, called "Beautifully Flawed" see the video below:

Bethany has a testimony of action. It encourages me to look carefully at every negative scenario in my life and ask myself, "How can help others who are struggling in a similar situation?:

What if you took the single worst thing that ever happened to you, faced it, and poured faith, love, and grace all over it?  

Would it come out looking like a day of service, or even... a non-profit? Be bold enough to let God turn your biggest weakness into an incredible strength in Him.

The first wave may bring devastation, but your next move is always up to you. Will you take the next wave? I hope you'll turn your next wave into a testimony of triumph.

If you liked this post, please leave me a comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts and learn more about what you're working towards, and how you're letting Bethany's story motivate you! You also might be interested in the Ambitious Christian Women group that's forming on Facebook. We are a small but mighty tribe of women encouraging each other to serve God with everything we've got.

3 Steps to Using the Marie Kondo Method To Cut Out Clutter with Radical Gratitude

Summer technically doesn't start until June 20th, and that means there is still time for... Spring cleaning. No excuses! You heard me!

I recently did a MAJOR simplification of my life and a foray into minimalism, using a process I learned in a book that I'm looking forward to sharing with you. I love this teaching because it focuses on your attitude, and attitude is EVERYTHING.

marie kondo method

Business Books vs The Bible - The Struggle is Real

Just this morning, I reached for a new favorite business book called Double Double.

Typically, it's the Bible I'd be reading first thing. But for the past few days, I've been looking for solid business advice, and this book was recommended by a friend... and I was eating it up. In fact, I hate to admit this, for a week or so there it was replacing my Bible diet.

Something was different this morning. I felt a wave of conviction come over me as I went for the Double Double book, while the Bible sat right beside me, looking up at me with its big brown binding.

Copy My Romantic Montréal Getaway - 2 Days of Bliss Guide

A photo posted by Blogger Laura Gabriele (@thelauragabriele) on

I believe that saying it's not what you do, it's how you do it. When you get 2 days with the person you love, how will you spend it?

I recommend adventure. My husband and I just got back from our 2-day stay in Montréal. It's just 4 hours north of our home in New York - I couldn't wait to whip out my passport for this one! Whirlwind getaways like this are so romantic, especially when you don't tell a soul you're going anywhere.

Write your own story - my solo travel adventure to Europe!

When you choose to write your own story, there are moments that change you, and they are hidden in the corners and around bends of your spirit that you didn't know existed. This is the magic and mystery of travel, and especially solo travel as a woman. I want to encourage you to dream as big as possible, and to explore your world. Here are some of the ways my trip inspired and changed me!

Smooth Spring Ahead: How I Ditch the Winter Frizz

I hope you're having a beautiful start to your Spring! I just finished my yearly hair spring smoothing treatment, which cuts through the frizz and leaves my hair feeling smoother and refreshed for the new season.

5 Reasons to go to a Women's Retreat

Hello my beautiful! Are you considering taking a women's retreat, but are not sure if you want to plunk down the money to make it happen? I recently got back from my second women's retreat ever, and it left me saying "why did I wait so long?" It was amazing. I want to encourage you to go ahead and go to your upcoming retreat. There are so many reasons - but here are my favorite five.

Make it Happen Powersheets: A Powerful and Gorgeous Goal Setting Planner

Here we go again with another year - it's a big, beautiful NEWYEAR ! If you're like me and treasure the idea of living an examined, deeply meaningful life, then I think you'll adore the ultimate goal-setting planner, the incredible Power Sheets!

Content by Laura Gabriele