A closer alternative to coffee I've fallen in love with is Dandy Blend, which is a great choice if you want to recreate any type of creamy coffee or Dirty Chai. I use this whenever I'm going off coffee for the first several days, or whenever I'm craving the richness of coffee but want no caffeine. Dandy Blend is made from dandelion root, weird I know, but it has health benefits you can read about on its listing.
Rasa keeps coming back to the top of my list due to its adaptogenic qualities and low to no caffiene. It is made of herbal ingredients that actually fight and reverse cortisol and give energy without caffeine. My husband Rob who often battles adrenal fatigue loves Rasa. I enjoy it plain but don't love adding creamer to this. He used to make me a cup daily which I'd then follow with coffee (I know, shame on me!) when I confessed, I also suggested he keep the Rasa for himself, since it's pricey.
But regardless of what you choose to drink in the morning time, I want to share with you one key thing I've learned from working in a professional office environment. This one took me years, ladies!! Listen to me: not all workplace mugs are created equal. Let me save you the pain so you can learn from my mistakes...