My love for this particular company is so much more than skin deep! This company is truly revolutionizing the way women purchase bras up to size 38F, and is doing so with an uncanny balance of style, rebellion, and grace.
Now, I'm not a lingerie expert, and I never hope to be. But I am a very busy professional woman, a feminist, and someone who needs to hold her breath when inside Victoria's Secret.
The main thing I've seen against True&Co is that they don't carry enough sizes. This is something they've announced they're working on, and have already made some improvements on, so I'm expecting a lot more women to be able to experience the fit box fun soon.
For a moment I'd like to highlight a key difference in the marketing of Victoria's Secret vs True&Co bras.
True&Co V.S. Victoria's Secret
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True&Co marketing (left), Victoria's Secret marketing (right) |
The difference is night and day.
And same thing goes for Adore Me, another up and coming online bra brand I recently reviewed, who has larger sizes and a selling model that includes its own twist on the quiz...
True&Co V.S. Adore Me
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Adore Me sexualization in marketing images and "quiz" |
So all of this is to further illustrate what I love about True&Co that all the other brands aimed at women in my size range seem to miss.
Yes, we want to feel sexy. But our bra's aren't for other people to gawk at, they are for us.
Where True&Co succeeds (that the naysayers don't seem to grasp) is in the emphasis of real women in real postures in their marketing *and no, "real" does not mean over 140 lbs, it just means not photoshopped to oblivion*.
I get the sense that we put our guard up at the wrong things. We miss the obvious, we take things out of context, and we fail to recognize the subtle ways women are being marginalized, and therefore fail to celebrate the women and the brands that are part of the solution, winning the good fight.
One negative review about True&Co from last year still gets a lot of attention from people - I know anything from a year ago is a bit outdated these days but Google thinks that old article is still the most relevant. In fact, the reviewer's screenshots of True& are almost unrecognizable from what the website looks now. The reviewer didn't claim to even receive a shipment, or hold one of the bras in her hand. But she did claim the bras wouldn't fit people, and the company was profiting off ignorance. Based on my happy buying experience, something in that review doesn't really add up to me.
But you know how it is when people just want to complain - the comments keep it fresh. And all those comments basically tell one of two things: Either inventory was low or unavailable in their size, or they were frustrated that it wasn't the quick fix they were looking for. And box after beautiful free box of bras to try on still weren't meeting these commenter's perfect fit expectations.
One person even commented that they were angry they couldn't return a thong after trying it on. Lady -- I'm so very GLAD you weren't able to return the thong! (yeesh!) And others generally missed that "no returns" message on the more sensitive articles and the purpose behind it.
Negative reviews and comments are normal for any brand and what cannot be UN-true is that True and Co is not for everyone! We already know the size limitations, yes. True&Co caters to those they can in a way that's fun, sophisticated and straightforward. Some of us don't want strangers measuring our breasts! Some of us are not as free spirited as to go on a bra fitting extravaganza in retail stores. Some of us don't curate lingerie for a living, and some of us are just on the search for that one good bra and don't have the time and patience to make searching part of their lifestyle.
In short, the True & Co model is the closest most of us can come to total, undeniable bra fitting bliss.
If you're thinking about buying from True&Co I hope you love it. I have a promo I can share but didn't want to do it here. So if you're interested, check out my post on True&Co promo codes. You may even see an ad on my sidebar from True&Co, which I have allowed there along with some ads that are targeted to you based on your browsing activity. But (perhaps surprisingly) I was not paid to write this... I just happen to love the brand that much, and really wanted to offer my viewpoint since the quiz worked perfectly for me.
Enjoy! I hope this post shed some light on the touchy subject, and I look forward to hearing more of your *true* experience with True&Co.

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