When I first heard about WelikeEtsy.com, an online service
which is raking it in from selling "ad space" to
Etsy sellers, my e-marketer alarm bells went off like never before. This is how NOT to promote yourself and your shop in the most classic sense. I knew it
was time to write this important call to arms against this and other Facebook and Instagram like sellers who are taking advantage of small business owners- and leaving
destruction in their wake.
For $5, these people are preying on
well-intentioned Etsy sellers to involve themselves in a Facebook
"likes" pyramid scheme.
If it's already too late and you've already
done it, take heart. I mean, they made it just *too* easy
didn't they? Lots and lots of writing and one big, easy buy now button with the
promise that it's $5 "for life". Before you read on, I need you
to know that this post isn't against you, it's against them and their practices.
Don't let my post get you down... Read #5 for some good next steps and further reading.
Friends, for your own good please avoid
this or any other seller of fake
social proof - for the good of
your own business.
Here are 5 reasons why buying Facebook
likes from WelikeEtsy.com or
any other online seller is
bound to RUIN your business.
1. A Zombie Like's Favorite Meal: Your Credibility and Business Ethics
Because they were purchased, these likes mean nothing at all for you and your Etsy business, because they don't represent people that truly value anything you have to sell. Your Facebook page gives you a unique opportunity to engage with people who feel strongly about you as an artist and the beautiful pieces that you sell.
But by buying likes, you are essentially saying that this fan engagement means nothing to you.
The "slippery slope" theory is bad logic, I learned that in philosophy class. But I will say this: buying likes is very tempting, and once you've done it, you might find yourself addicted. This is what they call "selling out".
How would someone who really cares feel
being surrounded by zombies who never "like" any of your posts, never
write a comment? Pretty uncomfortable. And they'll catch on quick and may even
turn away, realizing that you would have just as soon bought their like as earned it.
2. You'll Paralyze Your
Facebook Page and Placement in Search
The Likes will clog your Facebook page analytics, paralyzing your ability to tell how you're *really* doing.
With so many likes doing nothing on your
page, you won't be able to tell how well your posts are performing, what's
working and what isn't with your audience. Your data will be irreparably skewed.
If your intentions in buying these likes
are really to improve your page's performance, consider that doing so will destroy the performance metrics that will actually make a
difference for your long AND short-term business strategy.
Swapping links on link ladders and "boosting" your prominence online with these questionable practices creates a facade that the folks at Google work hard everyday to break through. Google wants their search results to reflect pages that earn real social proof.
Need more convincing? Look how many times Google has changed their algorithm to fight things like Welikeetsy.com and other sellers of zombie likes and links. Check out: Google algorithm changes effecting placement on search results by Moz.com
Swapping links on link ladders and "boosting" your prominence online with these questionable practices creates a facade that the folks at Google work hard everyday to break through. Google wants their search results to reflect pages that earn real social proof.
Need more convincing? Look how many times Google has changed their algorithm to fight things like Welikeetsy.com and other sellers of zombie likes and links. Check out: Google algorithm changes effecting placement on search results by Moz.com
3. You'll Ruin Facebook for All of Us
Eventually, these likes sellers could
destroy the benefits of business pages on Facebook for all of us.
Think about it. Now that you know likes
are so easy and cheap to buy, (one site allows people to purchase 500 likes for $16, or spend $40 on 3,000 likes) doesn't that make you question the integrity of a
lot of different pages?
So, doesn't that make you question...
That one Etsy seller from your group who
makes cheap looking jewelry and has tons of likes but no sales? Or how about
the annoying one who acts like a know-it all just because they have 4,000
likes, but doesn't have any true business education or good items at all?
By inflating their Facebook likes, these
people make themselves look bigger than they are- and take away the honesty of
social media. This honesty or "social
proof" is what makes social media valuable for small businesses.
Websites like WeLikeEtsy.com shouldn't just be chastised- they should be shut down for their tactics. Which brings me to #4...
Websites like WeLikeEtsy.com shouldn't just be chastised- they should be shut down for their tactics. Which brings me to #4...
4. It's
Probably Illegal
This has the stench of a pyramid scheme-
but at the very least it's Bad business. That's right- bad with a capital
A pyramid scheme is a business model that
has many people at the bottom paying money expecting results, but the ones who
join early on are the ones that benefit most, and the people who created it are
the ones getting any real income- because
of the way they've fooled the ones at the bottom.
Things like this are actually quite common in the internet marketing world, the internet is still like the "wild wild west" of business marketing. There is even a name for marketing tactics like these, tactics that are done done to fool people or skew information, called "black hat marketing".
5. It's
Hard to Repair the Damage...
(But you should try.)
If you're already involved with this
company, and you've read the above, I really hope that you see that it was a
mistake that can only serve to hurt you and everyone else using Facebook for
small businesses.
Follow these 3 steps to begin to repair the damage and be empowered by an excellent business decision that will set the tone for the rest of your career as an independent professional.
Follow these 3 steps to begin to repair the damage and be empowered by an excellent business decision that will set the tone for the rest of your career as an independent professional.
Step 1:
Take a moment to e-mail them and ask for your ad to be removed
and your money to be refunded. Here's their e-mail address: support@WeLikeEtsy.com If you try and they give you some cookie cutter response,
send it my way. I'm curious.
Step 2:
Share how you feel about this business with your
Facebook fans, old and new. Come clean, and let them know that you fell victim
to this scheme. Your newest fans will hopefully see and they may follow suit by
cutting ties with them. Your old fans will be grateful that you care that they are real.
Step 3:
Increase your awareness of this and other companies who are
decaying the value of social media through their black hat marketing tactics,
and stay away!!!! And call it when you see it!
Key Takeaways:
There really is no replacement for "white-hat" marketing that will get you real, earned likes. Sure, it involves more time- you can't just buy it. So keep on learning and growing and reading good articles that will help you learn how to market yourself effectively.
For a great blog post that offers some more info on this topic and great alternatives to buying facebook likes, check this out: Should You Buy Facebook Likes? by Jon Loomer.
Key Takeaways:
There really is no replacement for "white-hat" marketing that will get you real, earned likes. Sure, it involves more time- you can't just buy it. So keep on learning and growing and reading good articles that will help you learn how to market yourself effectively.
For a great blog post that offers some more info on this topic and great alternatives to buying facebook likes, check this out: Should You Buy Facebook Likes? by Jon Loomer.
That's all for now, thank you for reading
my little manifesto ;)
If you like what you read and want more Etsy watch-doggery and marketing ideas coming to your inbox, subscribing by email is easy, right under my picture at the top of the page.
If you like what you read and want more Etsy watch-doggery and marketing ideas coming to your inbox, subscribing by email is easy, right under my picture at the top of the page.
Never stop Learning, Growing, and

I would like to add that Facebook is not where most handmade artist will sell their items anyway. I've never found Facebook a worthy place to sell even when paying to advertise. However, through WeLikeEtsy, I have accumulated a lot more interest in my Esty Shop and a few sales. I have also discovered some wonderful artists and purchased what I would have never discovered before. Etsy is so huge that the only times I buy from other artists is when I am searching for something specific. I don't have the time with my business to leisurely look at all the unique items for sale on Etsy, but this has given me the opportunity to connect with some amazing artists out there.
ReplyDeleteYour small business will be as successful as you allow it to be. Stop self-sabotaging! Unless you're really there just to shop?
DeleteWeLikeEtsy also limits the number of pages you can view to 50/hour.
ReplyDeleteI paid $5.00 to be included in the WLE app. I am GLAD I did. Initially I thought it would help me get more exposure (yeah, call me a sell out) and I figured it would be easy liking other pages...It's sooo not about that. Maybe a small percentage of people joined assuming it would boost their sales but I seriously believe that many, like me, have found interesting, talented, passionate artistic individuals that are not just interested in selling their goods but in actually expanding their knowledge and being a part of a community of like minded people. I made my bed and I'm sleeping in it just fine.
ReplyDeleteHello pageturner,
DeleteEtsy is world renown for the community and niche markets it has created- and you certainly don't need to pay to find community in today's hyper-connected world.
The common ground you share with the WLE clan is that you have all made one very public, very significant business mistake together. A group that makes one choice or mistake together experiences more cohesion, which will in turn give you a sense of connection.
Just don't take their business advice... or you will also share their destiny!
Laura, couldn't agree with you more. Most people don't realize what buying likes or 'Like for Like' exchanges are doing for their Edgerank.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, we recently wrote a blog post about the importance of quality over quantity of 'Likes': http://orangetwig.com/blog/what-do-likes-mean-for-your-facebook-business-page?ref=s
Would love to hear your thoughts!
I agree with pageturner and the two above them! I also bought into the WLE app and have met and enjoyed talking with many people who are like minded I would not have met otherwise. I think we need to enjoy the company of other artisans in this community and this WLE site is another tool for connecting. No one place or method is the "magic ticket".
ReplyDeleteI have been selling since the 1980's at craft shows, malls, online, and I have a contract as a vendor with a major state hospital. Sales are about "networking" and being seen, so making connections and getting out there in many areas is a good idea no matter what "tool" or "method" you are using.
Wonderful explanation on why cheap marketing tricks like these never work in the long run. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The key to make your marketing strategy successful (or your business successful in general) is to work consistently for it. Don't expect doing something one-time, big-time, like paying for likes, page views etc. You should never rely on a single marketing strategy to promote your business anyway.
ReplyDeletePremier Marketing Solutions & Networking, LLC
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ReplyDeleteIt really doesn't make sense to me to go to another site to connect with fellow Etsy sellers. The forums and Teams @ Etsy are designed just for that!