-Focus only what matters most! Yes... ONLY. For example, why should colors matter so much unless there is a specific color that has symbolic meaning to you? Why waste time looking online for the symbolic meaning of a certain flower or color? That is second hand information that has no bearing on your personal life experience. If it doesn't matter- it doesn't matter! Things tend to look coordinated in the end by virtue of your personal style and taste- just think of your home. It's not all just one or two colors, but it's still "you".
-Involve the people you love! They won't mind. There are lots of details of wedding planning that are fun... But those details can be overwhelming for just one person to deal with (aka YOU). So be honest and open with your loved ones about where help is needed. Let them know, see if they're willing, check in once or twice, and let it go.
-Give yourself time! If you truly have a vision for your wedding ceremony, give yourself time to accomplish that. If a simple court wedding before the ceremony will help you remember that a ceremony is just "ceremony", then go for it.
-Be proactive! Think in advance about what upcoming obligations may hold you back from getting the wedding stuff squared away. I'm having to do a lot of planning a year in advance because I'm still a full time student with a full time job, and I'll be in classes right up till my wedding day. Be considerate of your future-self and do most of the "heavy lifting" in the beginning when energy is high and distractions are few.
-Consider the importance of your commitment! I want my mind to be focused more on marriage itself and my future husband than on silly details of a wedding. By keeping myself reading the Bible and seeking advice on how to have a healthy marriage, I keep my head in the right place and keep the Devil from stealing one of the most beautiful times in my life away from me with vain distractions.
These are just a few things that have really helped me to handle all the things that have come my way, and deal with other people's stress about my wedding. Yes- OTHER people are more stressed than I am... and the last thing they need is for me to be a bride-zilla!
Never stop learning, growing, and reaching!
PS: I have purchased a copy of this book, I saw it recommended on a favorite blog of mine. Have you ever read it? Can you recommend any others? I'll let you know what I think!

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