They're sprouting. :)
This weekend sure was jam-packed! My old elementary school friend Stephanie spent a couple nights here and it was just one celebration after another. On Friday we (Steph, Kyle, Robin and I) got the Anchor Bar out of the way, there we shared the obligitory bucket of buffalo wings, talked of life, literature, and education.
On Saturday, Rachel joined us on our trip to see the magnificent Niagara Falls, and we walked so much that I got to explore the wild outskirts of the US National Park for the first time. At first I was a bit critical of their attempts to preserve the natural beauty of the area. Soon my heart was changed, as I stood small beside the roaring, rolling rapids on shards of ancient rock, no bars or ropes, mere inches from disaster! :) Real nature isn't safe. It humbles you and terrifies you- instead of being just another photo-op.
Later that night I had a little house party with a few musician friends Jamie and C.W. , as well as my roommate and her best friend. With Steph, Kyle, Robin and myself included that made a good 8 of us, just enjoying one another's silliness with a game called Apples to Apples (a good one but I prefer Baulderdash) unto the wee hours of the morning.
Robin and I were able to attend another of Pastor Jerry's great messages on Sunday morning, which was especially great because I was reminded of the significance of Palm Sunday, the day that Jesus entered Jerusalem on Donkey-Back, fulfilling prophecy and stirring some pretty serious rebellion against Roman rule. I've really been enjoying going to church with Robin this past month and I love the meaningful conversations it sparks.
Yesterday I left work early due to construction materials and drywall leaving a dusting on my computer, my back, my hair, and just everything. Soon I found myself in a more glamorous position- getting some top notch dance instruction at Chow Chocolat. On Mondays they hold $5 tango lessons, I always recommend it to friends and I hope to get a few of you to come with me some night. Robin and I are learning to be graceful, elegant, sophisticated and one-minded together... and learning an important art form in the process. After some beautiful dancing, Robin took me to Shango, an excellent (maybe even 5-star?) creole restaurant on main street. It was tasty to be sure but we both enjoy Japanese cuisine worlds more. Isn't it nice when you're with someone who shares the same or similar unique tastes as you? Well, the answer to my rehetorical question is YES!
What a great few days it's been, I've experienced so much in such a short amount of time. I'm learning to "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish". I'll be continuously pursuing those things that I love, taking risks, and having adventure after adventure with the man I admire most. That's how I want to live every day!